RSPB North Ayrshire Local Group

Meets in Argyle Centre, Campbell Avenue, Saltcoats. The Centre sits behind Caledonia Primary School and is across the road from St Cuthbert’s Church and the 2 sets of ‘high flats’. Click here for a map of the Argyle Centre’s location. All meetings will start at 7.30pm sharp. Web Site.

RSPB Central Ayrshire Local Group

Meetings are in Hall B, Newton Wallacetown Church Hall, Main Street, Ayr on the third Monday of the month. Doors open at 7pm for a start time of 7.30pm prompt. Visitors are always very welcome. Local membership costs £6 per season (joint £10). Click on the links below to view the club’s newsletter, the Gannet.

SOC Ayrshire Branch

Meetings are held on Tuesday evenings at Monkton Community Church and Pioneer Cafe. This is on Main Street near the cross roads in the village of Monkton by Prestwick. There is ample car parking in the adjacent public CP and the broad, little used, well-lit street. If you go too far along Main Street you will end up in British Aerospace – stop opposite the Wheatsheaf Inn! 7pm for a 7.30pm start.

Chairman: David Rackham
Secretary: Mrs Anne Dick

Publishes the annual Ayrshire Bird Report and Stonechat – the Branch newsletter.