Our Photo Gallery contains all the submitted photos of birds seen in Ayrshire. The collection has grown to the point where I’ve had to split them up into groups for convenience and faster download. You can either click on one of the pictures below to view the photos in a particular group. The name of the photographer can be found in the tool-tip for each thumbnail: please contact them about copyright issues.
Submitting Photos to the Gallery
As you know, the Photo Gallery contains a lot of photos of birds seen in Ayrshire (over 500 at the last look). The best of each species (the judge’s decision is final!) is also linked into our Species List. However we are always on the lookout for new pictures, especially of the more common stuff which gets overlooked as people take pictures of the stars like the King Eider and Iceland Gull. You don’t have to be a photographer in the Grant, Hogg or Simpson class to have you’re pictures shown: we are an equal opportunity web site (although donations of wine or cash always helps get preferential treatment). So please send in your pictures following these steps:
- Take an interesting picture of a wild bird in Ayrshire (so no “Here’s an albatross from my envy-invoking trip to Antarctica”).
- Scale it down to roughly 1600 by 1600 pixels (this is roughly how big we want pictures so they take a reasonable time to download). I know it looks great in your 25 Gigapixel original but you won’t believe my language when I see one of them trickle down into my inbox. If you don’t know how to scale it then let me know and I’ll give you some pointers.
- Send it in to the Website Maintainer. Note that you keep the copyright on your pictures and by sending it in you are giving me implicit permission to use it on the web site. Sometimes people get in touch with me wanting to use a picture, e.g. for a publication. I pass these on to the photographer and this is where you get to use that 25 Gigapixel original (you did make a backup didn’t you?) so it looks great in their publication. Wealth and glory are soon to follow.