The Ayrshire Species List has been revised to bring it up-to-date with recent sightings and a few enhancements:
- Each entry may have a coloured icon giving the trend in how this species is doing in the country. means things are looking good; means things are looking bad; no icon means there is no real change. This is a very rough, subjective indicator to give a quick gestalt of the species status in Ayrshire.
- For those odd people who like sub-species, the list now has separate entries for the different races of species.
- The status codes have been updated to reflect the current state: those that have been changed are highlighted in red.
- The list is now arranged into the sort du jour favoured by the people with PhDs in Ornitholgical Taxonomy. (Ed.: personally I think this regular reshuffle is just a way for these people to keep their jobs – it seems pretty unintuitive to me!) This was a horrendous edit and I’m sure I’ve messed up somewhere so please let me know where and I’ll feign interest.
- One thing that didn’t make it into the new table is the species’ BOU category. (Angus added them, but the Editor’s decision is final.)
- If these codes are of interest to you then I assume you already have the BOU web site on your favourites fo easy reference and don’t need them repeated here (especially as they keep changing).
- This is a work-in-progress and we’d like your feedback.