Birds of New Cumnock Parish: an Update 2010–2024

Michael Howes
January 2025

The publication of Birds of New Cumnock Parish by James ‘Jimmy’ Begg in 2010 was a welcome addition to Ayrshire birding literature. Being of the ‘old school’ I always enjoy reading small pamphlets and books that cover local birdwatching. These often include insights about changes to bird distribution, populations, breeding ranges and habitats not always easily included in larger, more general reports.

The interesting thing about Birds of New Cumnock Parish is that as well as containing detailed records and quantitative data, it also includes general observations covering a period of major change in the New Cumnock area. Changes in land management, ’agricultural improvements’, the continuation of blanket forestry, the end of deep mining, the rise and fall of surface mining, and the current relentless encroachment on the high ground of wind farms has all impacted the local bird life. This is on top of effects of climate change and the general widespread decline of some species.

Gone also are the glory days of Knockshinnoch Lagoons where birders eyes were well and truly opened to the potential of a migration hotspot located well inland at a geographically strategic spot. The list of species that occurred during the relatively short period when the lagoons were in their prime is amazing. I lived in New Cumnock for a short while and have watched the area regularly for the past 45 years. In that time, I have witnessed the mega changes that have taken place and it is fascinating to note how things have continued to change post 2010.

To illustrate how things have moved on I have prepared two articles. This one, detailing records and sightings in New Cumnock Parish post 2010, and a second article to be posted in the near future showing changes in selected breeding bird distributions.

Additional sightings and observations, 2010–present

To make a comparison between 2010 and now I have, firstly, assembled all available published records for the last 14 years and grouped them into three categories:

  1. New species recorded 2010-2024 that do not appear on the original checklist.
  2. Species recorded 2010-2024 that have only 5 or fewer previous references.
  3. Notable records of species recorded since 2010 that have 5 or more previous references.

All records are for the Parish (Community Council) area as shown in Figure 1 below.

Figure 1: New Cumnock Community Council boundary (2024), almost identical to the Parish boundary

In the list below I have not added the names of the individuals who submitted the records. This is because I do not have details of all observers and it would be unrepresentative to include a chosen few. Credit must be given to all who submitted the records without whose efforts our knowledge of the New Cumnock area would be greatly diminished.

Species recorded since 2009 that do not appear in the 2010 checklist

Snow Goose (Anser caerulescens)    Adult first seen at Auchincross on 18th October 2019, last seen 25th February 2020.

Tundra Bean Goose  (Anser serrirostris)  2 Nith Valley from 17th–24th November 2011.
2 Nith Valley 17-28th February 2021.

Mandarin Duck (Aix galericulata)  1 at Loch o’ the Lowes on 27th May 2016.

American Wigeon (Mareca americana)   1 male at Auchincross on 16th April 2022.

Lesser Scaup (Aythya affinis)   A male at Auchincross from 28th December 2021 to 19th February 2022 (briefly at Loch o’ the Lowes on 9th January) and then at Creoch Loch on 6th March 2022.

Red-legged Partridge (Alectoris rufa)   Present at Craigdullyeart during the 2010 breeding season.

Little Ringed Plover (Charadrius dubius)   2 at Auchincross on 23rd June 2019, 1 at Auchincross on 5th April and 30th April 2020.

Bar-tailed Godwit (Limosa lapponica)  3 at Auchincross on 19th July 2022.

Mediterranean Gull (Ichthyaetus melanocepphalus)   1 at Overcairn, Nith Valley on 23rd March 2020.

Great Egret (Ardea alba)  1 at Loch o’ the Lowes on 11th July 2023, 1 at Loch o’ the Lowes and subsequently Black Loch and Auchincross, 15–17th November 2024.

Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus scirpaceus)    1 at Black Loch in June 2011 and probably the same bird from 3rd to 22nd July 2011 at Loch o’ the Lowes. 1 at Loch o’ the Lowes on 2nd June 2014. Breeding occurred at Loch o’ the Lowes in 2022 and 2023 with juveniles being seen in both years. A single bird was present at Loch o’ the Lowes from 30th May 2024, with 2 singing males present on 19 June 2024.

Species recorded 2010–2024 that have only 5 or fewer previous references

Greenland White-fronted Goose   (Anser albifrons flavirostris)  6 Auchincross 25th February and 12 on 5th and 10th March 2020. 5 in Nith Valley 26th December 2021.

Ring-necked Duck  (Aythya collaris)   A male Loch o’ the Lowes 24th October – 10th November 2011, a male Loch o’ the Lowes 12–13th March 2014, a male Loch o’ the Lowes 5th– 27th March 2016, a male at Auchincross 3rd January – 3rd March 2022.

Smew  (Mergellus albellus)    Female at Loch o’ the Lowes on 15th November 2013,  22nd January 2014 and 12–14th March 2014. A pair were present at Auchincross 11–12th May 2021.

Common Quail (Coturnix coturnix)   1 calling Watstonburn 26th May 2021.

Iceland Gull  (Larus glaucoides)   Juvenile Loch o’ the Lowes 12–13th March 2014. Juvenile/1w Overcairn, Nith Valley, 8th November 2020.

Northern Gannet  (Morus bassanus)   1 flying over Auchincross on 26th September 2020.

Little Egret  (Egretta garzetta)    1 in the Nith Valley on 28th December 2023 and possibly also Auchincross.

Western Osprey  (Pandion haliaetus) Recent records include 1 Auchincross 26th September 2020 and 1 Glen Afton Reservoir 23rd September 2023.

Eurasian Hobby (Falco subbuteo)  1 at Auchincross 1st August 2022.

Notable records of species recorded since 2010 that have 5 or more previous mentions

Common Shelduck (Tadorna tadorna)  2 Loch o’ the Lowes 28th March 2013. 1 Knockshinnoch 16th April 2015. 1 on 9th June 2022 and on 23rd March 2023 both at Auchincross. 2 on 16th February 2024 at Auchincross.

Long-tailed Duck (Clangula hyemalis)   Juvenile at Loch o’ the Lowes 4-15th November 2013. 1 fem/juv Loch o’ the Lowes 21–26th October 2021.

Eurasian Dotterel  (Charadrius morinellus) Small passage (1–5 birds) continues to be noted most years on Blackcraig, Glen Afton late April to early May.

Lesser Black- backed Gull  (Larus fuscus)  No record of breeding in the area until 4 pairs in 2012.

Western Marsh Harrier (Circus aeruginosus)  1-2 recorded on passage at Auchincross between July and November in all of the years from 2021 to 2024 .

Red Kite (Milvus milvus)   Has become a regular visitor to the area and possibly breeds.

Short-eared Owl (Asio flammeus)   A rapid decline in sightings and breeding pairs. 2 pairs were reported on suitable breeding habitat in 2010 and a single bird in 2021. A pair with two young at Watstonburn in 2022 but there are no subsequent breeding records. There are three winter records for Auchincross.

Ring Ouzel (Turdus torquatus) 1 Blackcraig Farm, Glen Afton 11th April 2010 and 1 Boltcraig Hill, Glen Afton 12th April 2012. 1 at Glen Afton on 26th March 2017.

Willow Tit (Poecile montanus)  1 present April to June 2011 at Knockshinnoch Lagoons. Occasional single birds reported from Glen Afton.

Wood Warbler (Phylloscopus sibilatrix)  Single birds in early May at Glen Afton in 2013, 2023 and 2024.

Eurasian Nuthatch (Sitta europeaaSince 2010 has continued to spread and is widely established.

Yellowhammer  (Emberiza citrinellaThere is a breeding record for Loch o’ the Lowes for 2016. This is the last breeding record for this species in the Parish.

I would very much appreciate notification of any additions or corrections to the above lists.


Appendix: New Cumnock Parish Checklist

Black Swan*Marsh HarrierGreat Black-backed GullWillow Warbler
Mute SwanHen HarrierCommon TernGoldcrest
Bewicks SwanGoshawkBlack TernSpotted Flycatcher
Whooper SwanSparrowhawkStock DovePied Flycatcher
Snow GooseBuzzardTurtle DoveLong-tailed Tit
Bean GooseGolden EagleWood PigeonBlue Tit
Pink-footed GooseOspreyCollared DoveGreat Tit
White-fronted GooseKestrelCuckooCoal Tit
Greylag GooseMerlinBarn OwlWillow Tit
Greater Canada Goose HobbyTawny OwlNuthatch
Barnacle GoosePeregrineLong-eared OwlTree Creeper
ShelduckWater RailShort-eared OwlGreat Grey Shrike
Mandarin Duck*Spotted CrakeSwiftJay
American WigeonMoorhenGreat Spotted WoodpeckerJackdaw
TealOystercatcherSand MartinCarrion Crow
MallardLittle Ringed PloverSwallowRaven
PintailRinged PloverHouse MartinStarling
GarganeyDotterelTree PipitHouse Sparrow
ShovelerGolden PloverMeadow PipitTree Sparrow
PochardLapwingRock PipitChaffinch
Ruddy DuckKnotYellow WagtailBrambling
Ring-necked DuckSanderlingGrey wagtailGreenfinch
Tufted DuckLittle StintPied WagtailGoldfinch
Lesser ScaupRuffDipperLinnet
Long-tailed DuckJack SnipeWrenTwite
GoldeneyeSnipeDunnockLesser Redpoll
GoosanderBlack-tailed GodwitRedstartBullfinch
Red GrouseBar-tailed GodwitBlack RedstartSnow Bunting
Black GrouseWhimbrelWhinchatYellowhammer
Red-legged PartridgeCurlew SandpiperStonechatReed Bunting
Grey PartridgeSpotted RedshankWheatearCorn Bunting
QuailRedshankRing Ouzel
Little GrebeGreen SandpiperFieldfare
Great Crested GrebeWood SandpiperSong Thrush
Slavonian GrebeCommon SandpiperRedwing
FulmarWilson’s PhalaropeMistle Thrush
Manx ShearwaterLong-tailed SkuaGrasshopper Warbler
GannetMediterranean GullSedge Warbler
CormorantLittle GullReed Warbler
BitternBlack-headed GullBlackcap
Great White EgretCommon GullGarden Warbler
Little EgretLesser Black-backed GullLesser Whitethroat
Grey HeronHerring GullCommon Whitethroat
White Stork*Iceland GullWood Warbler
Red KiteChiffchaff

* Denotes an escape